Friday, August 5, 2011

the little things

I sometimes think that it is the little things in the day that can make it a fantastic day: the coffee being ready, the sun shining, the friendly driver, the hugs from the girls, Andy's loving text/call, supper being yummy and on time, a good amount of the housework done, long naps for the girls and me, as well as the countless other things that may happen in a day.  Then I was thinking that sometimes it is just my attitude about the things that don't go quite right, coffee spilled, a baby crying, no calls/texts/e-mails, road rage ... Lord, I need help today to be more thankful in all situations and learn how to not take things so personally.  I also want to see how it is in my power to demonstrate love and kindness to those around me in the little things each day, smiles, loving touches, offering a cold drink, keeping up with the house work, letting someone in the lane, waving, speaking hello to a neighbor.  Little things add up - Blessings

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