Monday, October 25, 2010


gifts- Not only flowers (store bought or wildflowers) and candy and jewelry but little things too- a special hot chocolate packed in your husband's/child's lunch or a new toys/trinkets/pencil. The point here is not the amount of money that you spend, but considering what the person might like while you were out. Some of my best gifts were picked up at yard sales, flea markets and second hand stores.

Prov. 18:16 Giving a gift works wonders; it may bring you before important people!

A special note.
My friend's sister, Sarah Gardner passed away yesterday, and her passing made me think about how our very lives are a gift. I didn't know Sarah well, but I've been following her fight against cancer via caring bridge. I am praying that her family would find comfort in the sweet memories they've shared and even more solace in baby Caroline. There are no guarantees that we will be here tomorrow, so take time to communicate love to your friends and family each day.

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