Thursday, May 11, 2017

Mother's Day ballet

The girls dance for a Christian ballet company, Gloria Deo School of the Arts.  This Sunday, Mother's Day will be their spring recital at Lexington Christian Academy (Reynolds Rd, Lexington, KY) at 2 and 5p.m.  ($10 adult tickets, plus a silent auction). We are gearing up for the performances with daily practices. If you're in the area, stop by and be blessed by the story of Ruth.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Blogging is hard

Life is full of twists and turns and time gets filled up with little things and big things. I do feel like I want to maintain a blog, but it is a challenge -more than I thought possible to keep up with the goings on here. All of a sudden years pass and there is so much to record that the task seems daunting. Maybe a little at a time. It is fun to re-read past entries and see how life has changed.  Just in the past year, much less than the last entry, new job, a trip to Disney world, a new house, adopted a baby, lost a baby great-nephew, started Plexus, and a host of other issues big and small. Yes, a little at a time, to recall the blessings of the Lord and remember His goodness toward me.